Section 07 Part 02 – The SVC, SVS, ST & SF Instructions


 “One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." ~Friedrich Nietzsche




The SVC Instruction


SVC – Set on oVerflow Clear


If the V flag of the CCR is clear, the destination operand is set (%11111111).  Otherwise, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This is based on whether or not overflow occurred:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          svc.b     d1


We’ll pretend d0 contains 2400801E, the CMP is word, so only the 801E is taken into account.  801E - 0020 = 7FFE.  Since we’re subtracting from a negative value, the result is suppose to be negative.  But, since the result has turned positive, we have an impossible result (i.e. overflow).  The V flag has been set.




The SVS Instruction


SVS – Set on oVerflow Set


If the V flag of the CCR is set, the destination operand is set (%11111111).  Otherwise, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This is the opposite of SVC:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          svs.b     d1


Again, using the same example, with d0 containing 2400801E.  801E - 0020 = 7FFE, the result is impossible, overflow has occurred.  The V flag is set.





The ST & SF Instructions


These two will automatically set (%11111111) and clear (%00000000) the destination operand regardless of the CCR conditions.  These two are not conditional based instructions, but they still belong to the S## area of functionality.




The ST Instruction


ST – Set on True


The destination operand is set as true (%11111111).  No CCR flags are changed by this instruction.






          st.b d1


If d1 contained 01234567, then after this instruction, d1 will contain 012345FF.




The SF Instruction


SF – Set on False


The destination operand is cleared as false (%00000000).  No CCR flags are changed by this instruction.






          sf.b d1


If d1 contained 01234567, then after this instruction, d1 will contain 01234500.




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