Section 07 Part 01 – The SEQ, SNE, SPL & SMI Instructions


 “Self-esteem is the greatest sickness known to man or woman because it's conditional." ~Albert Ellis






The S## instructions coming up are pretty much the same as conditional branches, they perform an action based on the same sort of conditions.  The difference however, is that instead of branching, these instructions set or clear bits on the destination operand.




The SEQ Instruction


SEQ – Set on EQual


The Z (Zero) flag is tested, if true, the destination operand is set (%11111111), if false, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






This is rather simple:


          tst.l     d0

          seq.b     d1


The TST instruction will check d0 for zero, it's a long-word check.



It couldn't be simpler.




The SNE Instruction


SNE – Set on Not Equal


The Z (Zero) flag is tested, if true, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000), if false, the destination operand is set (%11111111).






          tst.l     d0

          sne.b     d1


The TST instruction will check d0 for zero, it's a long-word check.



It is pretty much the opposite of SEQ.




The SPL Instruction


SPL – Set on PLus


The N (Negative) flag is tested, if true, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000), if false, the destination operand is set (%11111111).






          tst.b     d0

          spl.b     d1


The TST instruction will check d0 for positive/negative, it's a byte check.


         If d0 was between 80 and FF (Negative), the N flag would be set.  The SPL instruction will set d1 as 00000000.




The SMI Instruction


SMI – Set on MInus


The N (Negative) flag is tested, if true, the destination operand is set (%11111111), if false, the destination operand is cleared (%00000000).






          tst.b     d0

          smi.b     d1


The TST instruction will check d0 for positive/negative, it's a byte check.



It is the opposite of SPL.




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